Mother’s Day Quick-Draw

7 May

Lately, quick-draw sessions have been effective elements in Judy’s artistic recipe. Here’s what this process looks like. Follow along, and find out how you can have the finished product FREE!

1. Choose a simple subject.
Take a photo, or use good old Google Image Search. Judy chose roses because they’re her mom’s favorite, and Mother’s Day is this Sunday.


This found photo would make a great reference!

2. Grab your materials.
Judy folds plain old computer paper in half x2 to create four “boxes” to draw inside of. Her drawing tools vary from an oil pastel, crayola marker, or a paintbrush with India ink. Whichever medium you prefer, use black for this step.

3. Draw, draw, draw.
And draw some more. In this example, Judy quickly made 4 line-drawings of a rose. Be loose. Don’t strive for perfection or too much detail here. If you want, keep going on multiple sheets, or try filling up a full sheet!


4. Pick your favorite.
Once a favorite is chosen, it can become a painting, a t-shirt design, you name it!

5. Make something more.
Judy scanned her favorite drawing, and printed that image onto multiple greeting cards. Then, she added water color on top of the black-and-white print to make a series of hand-painted greeting cards.

finishedcards rosecards

6. Share your creation.
For Mother’s Day, Judy is sending one card to her mom, but she’s also sharing them with YOU! Today, you are invited to come to her home and pick one up to send to your mom. Each one is complete with an envelope, and and Judy’s signature on the back. Lovely.


Judy’s home studio is at 2205 Bridle Path, Austin, TX 78703. A card is waiting for you on her screened-in porch (TODAY ONLY). The door is open, come on in. Please take only one.

Follow these directions to find my screened-porch.

Follow these directions to find your hand-made card.

I hope you enjoy, create, and pass it on.


2 Responses to “Mother’s Day Quick-Draw”

  1. Janet August 16, 2013 at 3:37 am #

    Sorry I missed out on this special card! I’m sure you had some very thrilled people stopping by!

    • judypaul August 19, 2013 at 5:45 pm #

      Yes! The cards were a hit!

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